The American Glory Bouquet bursts with patriotic pride and heartfelt beauty. Blue delphinium, bright red carnations and mini carnations and brilliant white Asiatic lilies create a spectacular display arranged amongst American Flags in a round whitewash basket, creating a lovely way to celebrate this coming July 4th holiday.
The Independence Bouquet will dazzle your recipient this Summer just in time for the exciting celebration that the Fourth of July brings. Brilliant red roses and white Asiatic lilies are subtly accented with Queen Anne's Lace and a sheer blue ribbon all perfectly presented in a clear glass bubble bowl creating a gorgeous gift that will make their holiday complete.
Capture the Spirit of Spring with this traditional bouquet. A handled bamboo basket holds bold purple iris and statice that defer to lemon yellow Asiatic lilies, soft yellow carnations and bright yellow daisy poms. It's the perfect petite basket to celebrate any occasion.
The Golden Autumn Bouquet exudes the warmth and comfort of the harvest season with each colorful bloom. Peach spray roses, burgundy mini carnations, butterscotch chrysanthemums and lush greens are arranged beautifully in a classic clear glass vase accented with an orange plaid ribbon around the neck, creating a truly wonderful bouquet that will send your sweetest sentiments to your special recipient for a fantastic fall.
The French Garden employs lush, green plants to create a gift ideal for any of life's special occasions. Containing a varied assortment of green plants, this dish garden arrives presented in a basket to create a wonderful way to send your sentiments across the miles. Variety of plants and basket style will vary.
The Sweet Splendor Bouquet radiates cheer and well-wishes with every sun-filled bloom! Orange spray roses, yellow mini carnations, white traditional daisies and lush greens are brought together in a classic clear glass vase accented with a designer apricot plaid ribbon to create a bouquet set to brighten any day.
The Loving Light Dishgarden is a ray of hope and a beautiful symbol of eternal life offered through our finest collection of plants. Adorned with a yellow fresh cut chrusanthemums, this gorgeous dishgarden will bring comfort and extend sympathy throughout the months ahead. Variety of plants and basket style will vary.
This bouquet blooms with a sweet sophistication and style to bring a calming grace to any event or occasion. Hot pink and pink roses are brought together with purple, lavender and fuchsia stock stems accented with pink Peruvian lilies and lush greens to create a simply stunning flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass bubble bowl vase, this exquisite fresh flower bouquet will make an excellent birthday, anniversary or sympathy gift.
The Fruit & Flowers Basket is a thoughtful gift that conveys your warmest sentiments. Pink roses, pink stock, orange spray roses, green gladiolus, variegated ivy, and lush greens are arranged amongst a collection of fruit, gorgeously seated in a large green basket to create a stunning gift.
The Thoughtful Gesture Fruit Basket is a gift that offers warmth and comfort whenever it is needed. A beautiful green-rimmed natural woodchip basket accented with a green taffeta ribbon arrives with a collection of everyone's fruit favorites.
The Deep Emotions Rose Bouquet showers your special recipient with affection and admiration in sun-crushed hues. Deep fuchsia roses and spray roses share the spotlight with bright orange roses, green hypericum berries and lily grass blades gorgeously arranged in a clear glass vase. Fresh and eye-catching with extraordinary color, this bouquet will evoke warm feelings with its undeniable charm.
The Justice Basket is a perfect display of patriotic beauty. Red spray roses, carnations and miniature carnations are accented with a spray of white standard daisies presented in a whitewash basket gorgeously accented with a blue designer ribbon to create a floral arrangement that will do your heartfelt sentiment justice.