When it comes to spring flowers, the lily reigns supreme. It's easy to see why in this gorgeous bouquet of bright yellow blooms. A fabulous bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, salal and seeded eucalyptus are delivered in a divine bunch vase.
Fragrant blossoms of standard and spray carnations in a classic glass vase. Shown in pinks and burgundy, but color may vary.
Tonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love. A stunning arrangement of light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet pea, plus pink stock make this one of our most desired selections.
With a beauty reminiscent of the south of France, this proud and pretty arrangement holds nothing back. The colors, the flowers and the feeling of Provence are all present and accounted for in this wonderful bouquet. Yellow roses, spray roses and asiatic lilies, white spray roses and stock and the ever-delightful light blue delphinium are delivered in a vase. C'est magnifique
Style of vase may vary.
Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes to bouquets, this is definitely the right way to do white.
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnations, matsumoto asters and pink waxflower are delivered in a sweet lilac vase that's tied with a purple satin ribbon. Love, laugh and send it today!
Color of vase may vary.
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
You won't have to worry about any other bouquet upstaging this gift! At over two feet tall, this is a fabulous way to show someone how much they mean to you. Lovely lavender roses, alstroemeria, larkspur, freesia, matsumoto asters and limonium are joined by light pink snapdragons, purple monte cassino asters and statice in an exclusive lavender vase. The bouquet will definitely steal the show. You might even steal someone's heart.
Container and/ or color of container may vary.
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Yellow roses symbolize friendship, and sending this sunny bouquet of bright yellow flowers is such a beautiful way to celebrate a special bond. Destined to make anyone's day glow, these roses are brilliant! Glowing yellow roses and solidago mixed with greens are delivered in a clear glass gathering vase. Sunny skies ahead!