The American Glory Bouquet bursts with patriotic pride and heartfelt beauty. Blue delphinium, bright red carnations and mini carnations and brilliant white Asiatic lilies create a spectacular display arranged amongst American Flags in a round whitewash basket, creating a lovely way to celebrate this coming July 4th holiday.
Blooming with a vibrant light that can't be denied, this brilliant fall flower bouquet is ready to lift any mood and raise any spirit throughout the autumn months ahead. Swirling orange roses, orange spray roses, and star-shaped peach Asiatic Lilies are surrounded with the eye-catching textures of yellow solidago, bittersweet stems, aralia leaves and lush greens with brilliant yellow gourd accents tucked in a just the right spot, all beautifully arranged in an orange ceramic cylinder vase. A wonderful fall birthday, get well, thank you, or happy harvest gift!
The Unity Bouquet sparks the hearts of all Americans with its patriotic beauty and dazzling color. Bright red roses mingle with blue iris arranged amongst white Peruvian lilies and assorted greens. Accented with two American Flags and a red, white and blue ribbon, this stunning bouquet arrives arranged in a clear glass vase to create a gorgeous way to celebrate our Independence Day.
This spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. Certain to be an attention-getter! These vivacious roses are arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase.
The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet offers your special recipient a bright assortment of roses to bring them joy with its exquisite beauty. Cream, orange, hot pink, coral and light pink roses are accented with lush greens and gorgeously arranged within a clear glass vase to create a lovely way to send your love, say thank you or even to extend your happy birthday wishes.
The Enchanting Rose Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! A dozen mixed roses arrive accented with lush greens, all beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase. Approximately 17"H x 13"W.
The Sunshine Daydream Bouquet highlights stunning sunflowers to capture their every attention with its bright beauty. Gorgeous sunflowers are accented with solidago, lily grass blades and lush greens to create a memorable flower bouquet. Presented in a clear glass, this arrangement sends your warmest wishes and highest hopes for the days ahead.
Bright, vibrant, and ready to inspire with each sun-kissed bloom, this simply stunning flower bouquet is a gift your recipient will always remember. Rich red roses, orange roses, orange spray roses, orange gerbera daisies, orange Asiatic Lilies, flame mini calla lilies, red hypericum berries, and an assortment of lush greens are perfectly arranged in a oval stained woodchip basket to give this flower bouquet a natural, rustic appeal that makes it easily fit into any home or office decor. Ready to add a touch of sunshine and color to their dining table, side table, or counter space, this flower arrangement is set to create a gorgeous and unforgettable birthday, thank you, or thinking of you gift!
The Angelique Bouquet blooms with sweet sophistication and gorgeous grace to create a special moment for your recipient. Cream roses are arranged to perfection against the royal purple hues of double lisianthus and monte casino asters perfectly accented with lush greens. Presented in a clear gathered square glass vase tied at the neck with an amber wired taffeta ribbon, this bouquet is an exquisite way to extend your warmest wishes and affection.
The Precious Heart Bouquet is a blushing display of loving kindness. Fuchsia roses are sweetly stunning amongst red matsumoto asters, pink mini carnations and lush greens. Arranged in a classic clear glass vase. This bouquet will convey your warmest wishes.
This bouquet blooms with a sweet sophistication and style to bring a calming grace to any event or occasion. Hot pink and pink roses are brought together with purple, lavender and fuchsia stock stems accented with pink Peruvian lilies and lush greens to create a simply stunning flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass bubble bowl vase, this exquisite fresh flower bouquet will make an excellent birthday, anniversary or sympathy gift.
This pretty basket is sure to cheer up anyone's day. This white-wash handled basket is filled with green button pompons, white daisy pompons, hot pink mini carnations and purple carnations. A lavender ribbon bow completes your best wishes.